
It should be consoling to every sick person to know that he or she does not suffer alone. Throughout the world, others are afflicted as well. All of us, by our crosses and trials, can assume an active role in the work of redemption. St. Peregrine, miraculously healed of a cancerous wound, assisted Christ in this noble apostolate of suffering through his own experience of illness and pain. There is significance in the fact that St. Peregrine was healed at the foot of the cross. The miracle might have occurred in a sick bed or a shrine. But it didn’t. St. Peregrine’s healing took place before the cross where all who are sick must eventually find themselves if they wish to participate in the redemptive action of Jesus Christ.

Prayers to St. Peregrine for Sick Relatives and Friends

Prayer 1
Saint Peregrine,
as a humble Servant of Mary,
you experienced human weakness and the pain and suffering of sickness.
Knowing that medicine and human knowledge have limits,
we pray for all those involved with the medical profession
that they will be a true source of healing and comfort to all people.

Like you, we also turn to God in our suffering.
Just as Jesus reached out and touched you with His healing hand,
we pray that the following sick person(s) will be strengthened in body and spirit
and cured of their illness by Jesus Christ through your intercession:

(here mention the name(s) of your sick relatives and friends)

In gratitude we pray for all the people of the world
that they will come to know you, St. Peregrine,
and the love that God has for each of them.

Prayer 2
O God, our heavenly Father,
source of all good and hope for the sick:
you sent your Son into the world
to take upon himself our sufferings
and to give life to the full to everyone.

Look kindly, we pray,
on those who are sorely tried
in body and in spirit,
and put their trust in your saving help.
Through the intercession of Saint Peregrine,
who showed patience and strength in his infirmity,
send your healing grace to them.

For us all we beg an increase of faith,
that you will teach us the wisdom of the cross.

Help us to face the trials of life
with courageous hearts,
that we may never lose confidence in you.
Help us to carry every burden of suffering,
following the example of Saint Peregrine.
We are present by the cross of your crucified Son:
here may we receive comforting strength,
with peace and serenity from Him,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
for ever and ever.

Prayer 3
O God and Father most holy,
you watch over every living creature:
you so loved the human race
that you sent your only-begotten Son into the world,
so that all who believe in him shall not die,
but shall have life to the full.

You called our brother Saint Peregrine
to put his faith in Jesus Christ
crucified and risen to life,
and to welcome from him
good health and the light of consolation.

Have mercy upon us, we pray,
and on all who are burdened or sick,
who now count on your great saving help.
By the prayer of Saint Peregrine
send us your healing,
as once you send healing on him.
Be our true doctor and remedy sure.

And help us to face all the troubles of life.
With courage coming from you
may our faith never fail.
This we ask through Christ, our Lord.

Prayer of a Sick Person

O Jesus Savior, who in your crucified body
bore the sorrows of the world,
I come to you,with my sick body
and my tormented soul.

I come to you just as Saint Peregrine dragging his wounded leg
came to your feet.

With him and like him I implore you:
“Jesus, Son of David, who healed the leper
and gave sight to the blind, have mercy on me.”

You know my need, you see my suffering,
but I say to you with faith:
“Lord, if you wish, you can heal me.”

Extend your hand over me
just as you stretched it over Saint Peregrine,
so that my weak and sick body might be well and strong again.

Jesus, healer of souls and bodies,
with the grace of healing, make me a part
of your victory over sin and death;
so that well again, I may be a witness of your merciful love,
a sign of your saving power,
and like Saint Peregrine,
I may live every day in service to you and the Church.
To you, Jesus, crucified and risen,
every glory and honor forever and ever.


Additional prayers may be found on the National Shrine of St. Peregrine Facebook page. Please “like” our page in order to receive inspirational prayers and information daily.


Each week Mass is said for the many intentions that we receive at the National Shrine of St. Peregrine. You can have your petitions remembered in this Mass by writing the Shrine Director in Chicago or by sending a prayer petition via the link below. Please be sure that you send us the actual names so they may be properly enrolled on our prayer lists.

Click here to send a prayer petition to the Shrine and to view petitions and pray for others’ intentions.

The St. Peregrine Shrine at The Grotto, The National Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother, located in Portland, OR, celebrates a St. Peregrine Mass on the first Saturday of each month at noon in its Chapel of Mary. For more information about the St. Peregrine Shrine at the Grotto in Portland OR, click here.