
Would you like us to pray for your special intention? Tell us what it is and we would be honored to include it in our daily prayers. Just tell us your special intention(s) below. They will be included in the prayers and Masses of The Servants of Mary here and around the world.

If you want others to join in your prayers, indicate that your prayer can be posted on this page. Otherwise, we will keep your prayer among the Servite Fathers and Brothers only.

For petitions requesting the intercession of St. Peregrine, please click here.


Prayer Petition for: Repose of one's soul
For the eternal repose of the soul of my dad Jose Enrique

Jeanne M

Prayer Petition for: Repose of one's soul
Please remember my departed loved ones on All Souls Day and throughout November:

Jean & Luther Miller
Marian Florio
Margarita Pueblas


Prayer Petition for: Repose of one's soul
William Frame


Prayer Petition for: Repose of one's soul
For the eternal repose of the soul of my dad Jose Enrique

Mary M

Prayer Petition for: World peace
Fred and Irene Hutchinson
Jim and Robert Gagner
Kate Fratus Reed
Richie Burns
Sandra Burson
Donnie Demers
John Venuti
Shirley Murphy
Annette Buck
Rick Heenan
Tony Ruggerio
Dave Witherall


Prayer Petition for: Repose of one's soul
For Steve Alblinger who passed on October 12, 2022.


Prayer Petition for: Repose of one's soul
For the eternal repose of the soul of my dad, Jose Enrique after a year of battling pancreatic cancer. May he find peace, light and rest in heaven


Prayer Petition for: For my parent(s)
Prayers for my father MICHAEL who passed away at the age of 41 a long time ago * HAPPY BIRTHDAY * Rest In Peace * Miss You & all that goes along with having a father to grow up with * Lord Jesus you have not filled the shoes of my earthly father * Lord Jesus I prayed for healing knowing my fathers death hurt me deeply because I lost his memory * Lord Jesus you knew then what was before me & my mother & brother * Lord Jesus after a lifetime of being a caretaker your LOVE left me- cheated - used - abused - forsaken - alone - barren - with the little time I have left * VERITAS * Lord Jesus & Mary I bring you all my hurt, pain & sins of my anger * VERITAS *your child *

Send Your Petition


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