
Would you like us to pray for your special intention? Tell us what it is and we would be honored to include it in our daily prayers. Just tell us your special intention(s) below. They will be included in the prayers and Masses of The Servants of Mary here and around the world.

If you want others to join in your prayers, indicate that your prayer can be posted on this page. Otherwise, we will keep your prayer among the Servite Fathers and Brothers only.

For petitions requesting the intercession of St. Peregrine, please click here.


Prayer Petition for: Repose of one's soul
Marian Guardi
Richard Luckman
Ronald Koziel


Prayer Petition for: Devotion to St. Peregrine
For Alex- cancer diagnosis.


Prayer Petition for: Happy marriage
Please pray that my wife Charlene return home to me soon. That the Lord restore our marriage and love for one another. That he gets her away from the people she is staying with who are destroying thier own lives and the lives of others with drugs & speak against our beliefs & our marriage.


Prayer Petition for: Strength in trying times
Lord I called to you at 18 because watching my father drop dead at the kitchen table when I was 9 left me without his memory & Lord you knew then what was before me & my mother- caring for a step-father dying of cancer with 2 daughters who never showed up * I prayed & needed healing but Lord your LOVE left me- cheated - used - abused- forsaken - alone - barren - with the little time I have left * VERITAS * Lord what I am today I learned from you my teacher- you led the way * Lord I bring you all my hurt, pain & sins of my anger * your child * VERITAS *

Nancy B

May St Peregrine intercede for my dear friend recently diagnosed with bile duct cancer.


Prayer Petition for: For my children
I pray that my son Sidney will have a best friend this year. I ask in Jesus's name, Amen!


Please pray for healing for my dear wife Patti who is suffering from a very serious form of leukemia.


Prayer Petition for: Physical health
For my child PRoy who has skin allergies that are very difficult to treat. For complete healing for my darling boy.

Send Your Petition


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