Submit A Petition

Request your personal prayer petition(s) be heard in the prayers and Masses of The Servants of Mary.

Would you like us to pray for your special intention? Tell us about your special intentions in the space below and we would be honored to include it in our daily prayers. They will be included in the prayers and Masses of The Servants of Mary here and around the world.

If you want others to join in your prayers, indicate that your prayer can be posted on this page. Otherwise, we will keep your prayer among the Servite Fathers and Brothers only


Prayer Petition for: Repose of one's soul
Prayers for my mother ANN who passed this day 7pm 2011 * Rest In Peace with Dad & Nick * mom be with me when I get my knee surgery * lord have mercy * thank you * your child *


Prayer Petition for: Devotion to St. Peregrine
I ask Saint Peregrine, I heard prayers for Tatyana Antonova, she is struggling with an oncological load. We pray with the whole world with your help Brothers and Sisters


Prayer Petition for: Financial help
My sons have huge student loan debts. They are buried in debt and struggling to make ends meet as they now face a life of how to pay off hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans and be independent adults in society.

Karen L

Please remember my niece, Lauren, in your prayers today. She is having surgery to remove a GIST in her stomach at Northwestern University hospital today. Pray for a successful surgery, that this is not cancerous, or malignant, and that she recovers fully.

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for Lauren.

St. Peregrine, pray for Lauren.


Please pray for the Intercessors of the Trinity core team and their families for their protection against all evil (spiritual warfare). Place us underneath his shield (Psalm 91) for spiritual protection.
Pray for all the intentions of those that come to our prayer group each Tues evening in person or via live stream on face book/You Tube.
Special prayers for:
(1) K Family- for protection for all family members (Deacon Brian: total healing)
(2) Prayers for success of our fundraising campaign
(3) Bob-(94) pancreatic cancer
(4) IOTT Finance Committee-protection
(5) Christine’s sister-ALS
(6) Release psalm 91 over “THE AMAZING PARISH “Conference. For all of those involved with the conference workers, and attendees! Awaken your church! Amen
(7) Release psalm 91 over Fr John Paul to shepherd and guide St Frances Cabrini parish
(8) Prayers for those affected by COVID19, healing and protection for our country
(9) Ken-cancer, for total healing
(10) Kara/Tim and family-continued prayers for all especially Kai who just a major surgery complete cranial facial surgery to save his vision , for quick healing and recovery
(11) Michael-for total healing of voices constantly in his head . Asking for strength, protection, wisdom , total healing, take away all fear
(12) Jerry-Hodgkins Lymphoma
(13) Duane-healing from addiction
(14) Susan-colon cancer

Derek Gerard Solomon

Prayer Petition for: US Troops
Please pray for me
I Can’t Evict Bad People From My Property
St Michael Archangel protect us
St Joseph pray for us
Jesus Mary Joseph


My wish is for my sister, Yvette, to soften her heart, let go of the past and reunite with the family. My poor mother suffers from a broken heart over this and I cannot stand to see her this way, which brings me to my next petition. Please pray to heal my mother, Margaret, from the many ailments she suffers from. Thank you


Prayer Petition for: Peaceful passing
That Bryan be given the Grace Of a Happy and Peacefull Death. Our Lady Of Sorrow’s Pray For Us.

Send Your Petition


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