Submit A Petition

Request your personal prayer petition(s) be heard in the prayers and Masses of The Servants of Mary.

Would you like us to pray for your special intention? Tell us about your special intentions in the space below and we would be honored to include it in our daily prayers. They will be included in the prayers and Masses of The Servants of Mary here and around the world.

If you want others to join in your prayers, indicate that your prayer can be posted on this page. Otherwise, we will keep your prayer among the Servite Fathers and Brothers only

Rich M

Prayer Petition for: Repose of one's soul
For my soul Rich Moreno and those of my loved ones, Tony & Taylor Moreno, Jennifer, Jessica & Jayleen Dublin, For Jill Brassal & the entire Brassal family, For the Moreno, Guerra, Liaci, Malinowski, Bash, Fransecchi,McBride, Campbell, Gibson, Coulouris, Hannahan, Soland & McAffrey families both living & deceased. For the conversion of sinners & all poor souls in purgatory. Those who committed suicide & abortion. For the lonely & very ill, broken hearted people of this world. For Nicholas Bertucchi & Gia Couch's departed souls.

Gary B

for All Souls Mass and month of November Masses and prayers for the Holy Souls: My intentions are fall the Souls in Purgatory who have nobody praying for them....and those at the hour of death to accept God's final offer and gift of salvation thru Divine Mercy....and for deceased members of my family...Anthony, Louis, Alda, and Sheila Basilo....

Diane P

Prayers for my mother ANN, father MICHAEL, brother DR. NICHOLAS PONZIO & step-father Lawrence * REST IN PEACE *


For all souls

Raffaello Andrea Basetti
Mario and Maria Elsa Basetti and all deceased relatives
For Gina and Teodoro Valotti and all family relatives
Maria Tomei
Giuseppe and all our deceased friends

Barbara H

Prayer Petition for: Return to the Church
Return to the Church for my family
Niece and her family
Nephew and his son

Joyce M

Prayer Petition for: Repose of one's soul
Please remember my loved ones in the All Souls Day Mass and throughout the month of November:
Redempta A.R. Tumaliuan
Reginalda Tumaliuan
Vicenta A. de la Rosa
Rolando A. de la Rosa
Guerrero A. Tumaliuan
Salvation Lim

Luke & Vita

Please pray for a friend of ours, he has just been told he has pancreatic cancer.
Keep him and his family in your prayers.


For the urgent intention that my mom's test results may actually be clear & healthy. That the questionable result may not indicate a more serious condition, such as amyloid, stroke, cancer, or anything life-threatening. May it only get better & not worse. May it not have other effects on her health. May it not happen again after being healed. Thanksgiving for any improvement. May it not put her in an unsafe situation. May the drs. & entire staff be able to quickly & effectively treat her w/o side effects. May God also work directly w/in her to miraculously heal her of it. May she not have complications. For the quick & complete healing of any discomfort. May she not need to have harsh treatments such as transplants, dialysis, chemo, biopsies, surgery, or harsh drugs w/ bad side effects. May she definitely still go on to live an extremely longer & healthier life. May this not decrease the quality of her life in any way. May she not only survive this, but may she thrive.

Send Your Petition


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