
Would you like us to pray for your special intention? Tell us what it is and we would be honored to include it in our daily prayers. Just tell us your special intention(s) below. They will be included in the prayers and Masses of The Servants of Mary here and around the world.

If you want others to join in your prayers, indicate that your prayer can be posted on this page. Otherwise, we will keep your prayer among the Servite Fathers and Brothers only.

For petitions requesting the intercession of St. Peregrine, please click here.

Jane C

My friend's son who is a transitional deacon in the diocese of Galveston-Houston has just received a diagnosis of cancer. (He survived cancer 10 years ago only to have this additional diagnosis.) Ryan starts treatment this Wednesday, May 15 and his ordination to the priesthood is on June 1. His family, friends and parishioners of the parish where he did his pastoral year are starting a novena to St. Peregrine today. We understand that you have a first class relic of St. Peregrine and we ask you to pray for Ryan's healing in front of the relic.

Susan C

Prayer Petition for: Employment
Thanksgiving for a job offer. I have been out of full time permanent work since March, 2018.

Fr Phil

Prayer Petition for: Physical health
Prayers for a parishioner of mine who was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer---she's 60 years old; her name is Delores. Please include her husband and children and grandchildren in your prayers. God bless!


Please pray for the Intercessors of the Trinity core team and their families for their protection against all evil (spiritual warfare). Place us underneath his shield (Psalm 91) for spiritual protection. Pray for all the intentions of those that come to our prayer group each Tues evening.

Special prayers for:
(1) K Family- for protection for all family members
(2) Brody- (16 yrs) brain cancer went to be with Jesus wed evening for the repose of his soul and strength for his family
(3) Henry-throat cancer
(4) Christ Life Program @ St Frances Cabrini
(5) Prayers for success of our fundraising campaign
(6) Ric-cancer in liver/lungs
(7) baby William -delivered by c section mon and had surgery fri am. Surgery went well pray for his right lung to develop and that he stays stable and heals quickly quicker that what the drs expect his stay in the NICU
(8) IOTT Finance Committee-protection
(9) Ken-praise God no chemo, for total healing from surgery and for cancer to not come back
(10) Troy-had surgery for a staff infection currently in hospital in ICU
(11) Fr Andre and his ministry-protection
(12) John-suffering from cancer, once a seminarian, then married, now a widower with grandchildren, that he will convert from atheism and decide against the assisted suicide he is now scheduling.
(13) Karen-recently diagnosed with ALS

Jim D

Prayer Petition for: Physical health
For me and my friends Dennis W and Erin H for our physical and mental health

Mark D

Prayer Petition for: Devotion to St. Peregrine
We pray to st.peregrine that our 4 month old Joseph is cured of his cancer he was diagnosed with neuroblastoma and pray that he does well in chemo and that his cancer is cured.Amen

Jackie C

Prayer Petition for: Physical health
Please pray for Jennifer B, my cousin-in-law, who is in ER right now for a CT and MRI scans because she is suffering from an aggressive progression of cancer and getting worse. Thank you St. Peregrine for offering my petition to Jesus Christ, the Healer of all sickness, and may Jennifer feel the grace of Jesus Christ knowing that all things are possible through him for a miraculous healing.


Prayer Petition for: Physical health
Please pray for wife Ina who is suffering from Alzheimer's and getting worse very quickly.

Please pray for my brother Father Joe, a retired catholic priest also suffering from Alzheimer's

Send Your Petition


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