
Would you like us to pray for your special intention? Tell us what it is and we would be honored to include it in our daily prayers. Just tell us your special intention(s) below. They will be included in the prayers and Masses of The Servants of Mary here and around the world.

If you want others to join in your prayers, indicate that your prayer can be posted on this page. Otherwise, we will keep your prayer among the Servite Fathers and Brothers only.

For petitions requesting the intercession of St. Peregrine, please click here.

Marina P

Dear all, please pray for my father to be healed from bradycardia.


Prayer Petition for: For my parent(s)
Please Pray For The Health Of Bryan, Harold and NancyLee, and Father James


I’m having surgery for cancer tomorrow and would like prayers for removal of all cancer and quick recovery. I need to trust in God who loves me.


Prayer Petition for: Physical health
I need prayer for my father, for his conversion and for emotionaly and physical healing.


Please pray for my Brother and sister in Ireland that has passed .There names are Michael and Nora. And pray for my healing from trauma in my past.


Prayer Petition for: Devotion to St. Peregrine
Dear St. Peregrine, Please pray for a dear friend who just found out he has cancer. For a complete and speedy recovery. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Tina McD

Prayer Petition for: Repose of one's soul
For my dear friend’s dad, Juvenal G. who passed away 1/17/19, a beautiful soul. For my previously deceased father-in-law, Thomas M and my sister-in-law Margie M, my Aunt JoAnne D, my Uncle Rick G and my grandparents and other deceased friends and family members.


Prayer Petition for: Physical health
I know 4 people who are suffering with cancer right now.. I'll just mention their first name and the Lord knows the rest.

May the intercession of St Peregrine before the throne of Christ be a source of deliverance and healing for these four


Send Your Petition


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