
Would you like us to pray for your special intention? Tell us what it is and we would be honored to include it in our daily prayers. Just tell us your special intention(s) below. They will be included in the prayers and Masses of The Servants of Mary here and around the world.

If you want others to join in your prayers, indicate that your prayer can be posted on this page. Otherwise, we will keep your prayer among the Servite Fathers and Brothers only.

For petitions requesting the intercession of St. Peregrine, please click here.


Prayer Petition for: Physical health
Please pray for Jack who has a rare form of cancer. Please also pray for my loneliness as an 80 year old senior.
Praise the Lord!


Prayer Petition for: Peace of mind
for Derreck to understand and decide to let my husband and I work together
Please Jeasus let things do not chance between me and my husband
This is my anxiety
Thank you for all the prayer
God Bless you all


Prayer Petition for: Devotion to St. Peregrine
For John L of Minneapolis,Minnesota who has terminal stomach cancer.


Prayer Petition for: Devotion to St. Peregrine
Please pray for our parish priest Fr. M who is fighting malignant cancer. May St. Peregrine and Our Blessed Lady make intercession on his behalf. Amen


Prayer Petition for: Employment
I have severe depression, no job, no money, feeling suicidal. Please say a prayer for me


Prayer Petition for: Devotion to St. Peregrine
Please pray for my sister , that she wins her battle with ovarian cancer. She’s been fighting almost 3 years now. Thank you for hearing my prayers for her.


Prayers for GREG C who has brain cancer.
Pray for his healing and recovery from surgery and that he and his family can remain strong to fight the cancer and return to a normal life.


Prayer Petition for: Physical health
I need your prayers for healing of my Thyroid cysts and nodules, inconsistent blood pressure, high cholesterol and other bodily aliment. Please pray for the quick return of my niece to the catholic faith.For the peaceful and quick settlement of the sale of the parents property.

Thank You Lord Jesus. Praise You Lord Jesus

Send Your Petition


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