Submit A Petition

Request your personal prayer petition(s) be heard in the prayers and Masses of The Servants of Mary.

Would you like us to pray for your special intention? Tell us about your special intentions in the space below and we would be honored to include it in our daily prayers. They will be included in the prayers and Masses of The Servants of Mary here and around the world.

If you want others to join in your prayers, indicate that your prayer can be posted on this page. Otherwise, we will keep your prayer among the Servite Fathers and Brothers only


My dear friend Heleni is fighting inflammatory breast cancer. It may have gone to her brain. She is in the hospital now for testing. She is young with two young children. Please pray for her healing and for strength.
Thank you.


Prayer Petition for: Physical health
For Kenny, who suffered a tragic accident on the day of his high school graduation and has a slim chance of recovery, that he may be blessed with miraculous healing or depart from this life at the mercy of God.


Prayer Petition for: Drug problem
Healing for my son,Michael from alcohol consumption.To return to an orderly life in Christ Jesus. Prayer for purification, sanctification,restoration conversion,transformation,


Prayer Petition for: Physical health
Please pray for Mom's lungs to clear and she is able to breathe properly again and that all of her respiratory issues are fully healed and that she is healed in time for her endoscopy this Friday. Please pray that all goes well with the endoscopy and that they find the cause and heal her completely as well as healing her ulcer completely. Please pray that her infection gets totally healed and her white blood cell count goes back to normal. Please pray for complete and total healing for Mom and that she is able to live a very long, healthy and happy life. We are so blessed to have her on earth. Thank you again and God bless.

Marcelina maria

Prayer Petition for: Devotion to Mary
Holy mother queen of the servite, if it be your will, may I be enrolled as a servite.our lady of sorrows
Pray for us


Prayer Petition for: Devotion to St. Peregrine
the continuing remission of my daughter's cancer and a cure for her lymes disease


Recovery for my husband, James, who has cirrhosis.


I would really like to find a different job. Been waiting to hear back in one in particular. But I don't know where God wants me.
Thank you for your prayers.

Send Your Petition


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