Submit A Petition

Request your personal prayer petition(s) be heard in the prayers and Masses of The Servants of Mary.

Would you like us to pray for your special intention? Tell us about your special intentions in the space below and we would be honored to include it in our daily prayers. They will be included in the prayers and Masses of The Servants of Mary here and around the world.

If you want others to join in your prayers, indicate that your prayer can be posted on this page. Otherwise, we will keep your prayer among the Servite Fathers and Brothers only

Ciro S

Prayer Petition for: Repose of one's soul
For the repose of the soul of Anthony Deluca, and for the comfort of his surviving family.


Prayer Petition for: Devotion to Mary
Dearest Lord our God,
You know my dearest desire for my family. To love God and to do his will. My Special Prayer goes out to my husband, my sons, their wives, grandchildren and myself. I pray we continue to receive the grace, courage and strength to overcome vices, addictions and temptations that might come our way. May we embrace the peace that Jesus earned for us. I also pray that we are pierced in our hearts to loving God. doing his will and hope and pray for the grace needed to make all of our days holy. May our dearest Mother Mary envelope us all in her mantle of Love ?? and protect us from all that is evil. May the Holy Spirit guide us in all that we do and say!! May our family be United in love for one another.

Greg, Jason & Valerie, Brian, & Erica, Darren & Krzysza, Aubriana & Joe, Thomas, Mateo, Jaiden, Uryah, Kaleb, Aria, Daisy, Joe, Noellah, Ezekiel.
Special request for Mike & Catina

Alan D

Prayer Petition for: Physical health
Please pray that, by divine Grace, Alan is healed of his psychosis, which is very distressing for him. Thank you very much.


Please join me in prayer for wisdom, peace for P and her husband A (an agnostic) & PROTECTION, wisdom, peace for P's extended family; especially their adult daughter A who has been managing mental health symptoms well recently. Praying that continues; given challenges regarding each of their futures, (that has recently come to Ps attention...)

This is an extremely complicated situation; involving P and her 5 siblings. Discernment about changing their mother's will; as a result of political legal economic and spiritual transformation taking place in our country...


Prayer Petition for: For my spouse
He's a wonderful father and husband, but he's a Lapsed Catholic and SOooooo angry , insulting , and bitter about it. Blessed Mother and St. Peregrine, please that my mate's heart would soften and that he would come to love the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and me as I KNOW he is capable of doing so we can make him happy. In the name of Jesus. Help us St. Expedite. Amen.


Prayer Petition for: For my children
Please pray for my daughter, Laura. Please strengthen her faith and bring her back to the church. Also, heal her emotionally and physically. Mary and Jesus guide her and protect her on this next phase of life. Thank you! God bless you!

Denise D

Prayer Petition for: Devotion to St. Peregrine


Prayer Petition for: Physical health
Less than a month ago I was diagnosed with prostate cancer . Two weeks later I was told I have a nodule on my thyroid gland. My wife and I are taking care of our 10 year old grand daughter while her mother is in jail. Please pray for my healing.

Send Your Petition


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